Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So the new Kings Of Leon album came out yesterday. Come Around Sundown= LOVE. and Pyro is the best song on it. This weekend is the homecoming game/dance and my sister is returning home for the festivities. Golly, that'll be the first time we have seen each other since we got into our tussle. I'm very curious to see how it pans out. Anyway, I'm leaning on my boyfriend this weekend to help me get through it. He will probably be my saving grace through all this camotion. Everything has to be done in such a little amount of time it's driving me crazy. And Devin has never been to homecoming so I have to double check behind him to make sure he doesn't screw anything up. Haha Although the one good thing about Jena returning is that I can fade into the background with Devin. For once we won't be the focus of my parents attention, because they will be too busy with Jena Syndrome to pay us attention. Which I honestly don't mind; the less attention they pay me the better. This post is very scattered. My lit teacher would say "it doesn't have a good general flow" to it. But oh well.
Well since I didn't finish this last night, I am now working on this in Physical Science with Mr. Rows. We are supposed to be taking a video quiz but... I don't want to. This is so boring. Why should I care about the fact that Michael Faraday invented the electric motor? Yeah, cause knowing that will get me far in life.
I have come to the conclusion I am a very plain person. I'm not the type of girl who is bubbling with personality. I like consistency, especially in people. I like knowing people aren't going to change, and therefore I don't either. I don't open up to many people. Actually only about two, maybe three. And I like keeping it that way. Is it a bad thing that I'm not this incrediably interesting person? I'm sorry if it is.

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