Sunday, September 19, 2010


How would you describe high school? Well I guess you could start off with saying that it is filled with hundreds of people you don't want to see, with teachers who really don't want to see you, add in homework, and the last thing of all: gossip. What is it about high schoolers that make them care so much about other people's business? Or worse, what compels people to make up false rumors about somebody knowing it is going to do nothing but hurt them? Your answer for this question, is in the question: to hurt them! Never really thinking the whole thing through about exactly how much effect it will have on the other person, teens will make up such stories and spread them like wild fire. The funny thing is, most will never stop and think to themselves, "Is this true?" or "Maybe I should go talk to the other person and hear their side of the story." They assume that because one person said it, it must be true, or why else would they say it? MORONS! Most fights, burning of bridges, are usually caused by false accusations against somebody else. Why are we so quick to burn bridges and hurt each others feelings? Why is it so hard for people to admit wrongs? Are we so caught up in this short 4 year span of high school that we forget one day we will never see these people ever again? Why don't we make the best of this time that we know each other, and cherish it. Because one thing I do know, if people spread the word of God with the same fever as they spread rumors, this world would be a different place.

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