Friday, October 29, 2010

I believe...

I believe that you cannot do anything you put your mind to. I believe that the good guys don't always win, but they don't always finish last. I believe there is no such thing as luck. I believe that people are too easily swayed one way or another. I believe love should be unconditional. I believe most people don't know how to think for themselves. I believe that most people waste their lives in the comfortable, rather than pushing themselves to the limits, and enjoying life. I believe that people spend too much time stressing over things that don't really matter. I believe school is not based on how smart you are, but how much work you do. I believe that people should have to earn your respect. I believe that religion was just made up to make people feel better, more assured, but I do not argue against it. I believe you should always get both sides of the story. I believe that everybody has a right to their own opinion, however you should not force or assert your opinion on to somebody else. I believe that people are to concerned with other people's lives. I believe that celebrities are just normal people. I believe that you do not find yourself, you make yourself. I believe you are only as strong physically, as you are mentally. I believe that friends are everything, and that love really conquers everything but death.

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